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Zero Point Extraction, LLC

CBG Distillate

CBG Distillate

Regular price $12.00
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Discover the power of nature with our CBG Distillate. A quality product crafted from high-grade hemp, offering an array of potential wellness benefits. Embrace a healthier, balanced lifestyle with our tested and verified CBG Distillate.

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What is CBG?

CBG is considered the "parent" cannabinoid because other cannabinoids are derived from its acidic form, cannabigerolic acid (CBGA). During plant growth, CBGA is converted by plant enzymes into different acidic cannabinoids, such as THCA, CBDA, and CBCA, which can then be decarboxylated into THC, CBD, and CBC respectively.

Chemically, CBG is a non-intoxicating compound that has a molecular formula similar to other cannabinoids but differs slightly in its structure. This molecular configuration allows it to interact uniquely with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS).

How to Find Quality CBG Products?

For consumers interested in exploring the potential benefits of CBG, selecting high-quality products is paramount. Here are some tips for choosing the best CBG products:

  • Lab Testing: Reputable brands will provide third-party lab test results for their products, verifying the CBG content and ensuring the absence of contaminants such as pesticides, heavy metals, and excessive levels of THC.
  • Brand Reputation: Research the brand to ensure they have a good reputation for quality and customer service. Reviews and testimonials can provide insight into the effectiveness of their products and the company's reliability.
  • Transparency: Companies that are transparent about their sourcing, manufacturing processes, and lab testing are more likely to offer high-quality, safe products.

    As CBG continues to gain popularity, the variety and quality of products available to consumers are expected to increase. By choosing high-quality CBG products and using them responsibly, consumers can explore the potential benefits of this intriguing cannabinoid safely.

Lab Testing: Our Commitment to Quality

For absolute transparency, each batch undergoes testing at a third-party lab. Check out our CBG Distillate Certificate of Analysis.


Lab Tested

At ZPE, we take the quality and safety of our hemp-derived products seriously. As part of our commitment to delivering high-quality products to our customers, we ensure that our products are tested by an independent, accredited lab for potency and purity.

We understand that transparency is important and that's why we make the results of these lab tests available online for everyone to see. Our customers can have confidence in the quality and purity of our products.

Lab Results

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Broad Spectrum CBG Distillate?

Broad Spectrum CBG Distillate is a highly concentrated form of CBG that contains a wide range of beneficial cannabinoids, terpenes, and other plant compounds, but with no detectable levels of THC. This allows users to experience the synergistic effects of the hemp plant without any psychoactive effects.

How do I use CBG Distillate?

You can incorporate CBG Distillate into your daily routine in various ways. It can be added to your favorite recipes, mixed into tinctures, or even infused into topicals such as creams and balms for direct application to your skin.

Is Broad Spectrum CBG Distillate legal?

Yes, Broad Spectrum CBG Distillate is legal in most places, as it contains no detectable levels of THC. However, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the specific regulations in your area to ensure compliance with local laws.

Why does CBG Distillate Crystallize?

Crystallization in distillate products is natural and does not necessarily indicate a problem with the product. In fact, some consumers actually prefer the texture and appearance of crystallized distillate.